Initiations aux techniques d'aquarelle et de dessin
2024, Ehpad L'Horologia de Cluses (74)
Les résidentes de l'Horologia se seront initiées à - ou auront retrouvé le plaisir de - l'aquarelle et plusieurs techniques sèches de dessin. Merci aux résidentes, à Néosilver et à L'Horologia pour ces précieux moments passés ensemble ! //
The Horologia residents will have been introduced to – or will have rediscovered the pleasure of – watercolor and several dry drawing techniques. Thank you to the residents, Néosilver and L'Horologia for these precious moments spent together!
The Horologia residents will have been introduced to – or will have rediscovered the pleasure of – watercolor and several dry drawing techniques. Thank you to the residents, Néosilver and L'Horologia for these precious moments spent together!
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